Combined Conferencing And Transcription For Market Research Firms

market research

Transcription for researching is what people are searching!!

Many renowned companies get into deep down market research before launching any product or service. Market research has become the most efficient tool to launch a product that gives you good return on investment. Many research companies are working day and night to get insights for soon to be launched products. Every minutest detail about consumer preferences is jotted down to get the most accurate findings and results. These consumer insights give product its dimensions and name. Every activity which is done from making till promoting that product i.e surveys on product, finding the need of product, feedback, focus group interviews, group discussions, personal interview of experts of industry is an important part of market research. In this crucial scenario transcription becomes most reliable resource.

How to make your market research more efficient by using conferencing combined with transcription service

Interviewing: A market researcher conducts a series of steps like conducting interviews and then they write a report on the conclusions based on the responses from interviews. In this interview transcription one needs to filter the valid responses as well. Many times the interviewee gives responses which are coveted so one needs to find the meaning and relate it to the topic. So market researching firms finds transcription services to fulfil such requirements.

Accuracy and Quality: Research reports have to be accurate and of high quality as such reports are the basis for conducting various activities related to product or service. At Scribie, we guarantee 98% accuracy and quality as our entire transcription process gets quality checked at every step.

Turnaround Time: Some interviews might need a quick turnaround while others may not be urgent. So just in time transcription service becomes inevitable. Provider should have options like express delivery or 30 days option from which they might save money.

Customer Support: Customer support is the most important aspect of every service delivery, what if anything goes wrong or is not according to SLA then companies look for customer support. Transcription service may have some issues so service provider should have a strong customer support.

Confidentiality: Marketing research contains a lot of confidential data which cannot be shared with everyone so trust is very important to earn when a company provides transcription services.

Integration of teleconferencing and transcription: Market research involves conducting surveys on product, finding need of product, feedback, focus group interviews, group discussions, personal interview of experts of industry. The conference or phone call recording solution is a basic requirement for each of these activity. To get high quality for these conference calls transcripts, it also requires an active listener and a good interpreter. We provide teleconferencing and phone call recording combined with transcription service so you don’t have to worry about recording the call, downloading the file and uploading it to transcription service provider and then ordering the transcripts. With just one click, you can book a call, record it and the order for transcription will be done automatically once the call ends.

Most importantly, if you use our service, then you can focus on your core area which is research and let us do the mundane job.

At Scribie, you will experience our expertise in market research transcription as we guarantee utmost accuracy and timely delivery. We are skilled in handling assignments such as questionnaires, focus group discussion, surveys, interviews, and group discussions that are used to achieve success in competitive marketing research. The teleconferencing service ensures good quality recording since it is off the wire recording which in turn helps to get highly accurate transcripts. We have in house editor and hire highly skilled professional to do transcription of the files. For security the file is bifurcated and allotted to different transcribers to make sure the data remains safe and confidential. We have a fair and transparent payment system. At Scribie, we do, what we promise to you, we earn trust with our flawless services. At last our action speaks louder than words.

For more details on conferencing service, please check the link below.

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