If you get this notification then your recorded conversation will be garbled and filled with breaks. Try the following steps to resolve the issue.
- Try setting the mp3 encoding parameters to 16KHz sampling rate and 64 kpbs bit rate.
- Switch to wav file encoding instead of mp3.
- Check how much CPU time is being consumed by CG when recording. If its more than 20% then close some applications on your PC and try again.
This is usually an indication of a more serious issue on your setup. Leave a comment or get in touch with us here in case you need more help.
Re: Encoding Data Loss
I only saw the default button, but not one where I could increase the default value to 50 to 100 MB.
which version are you using? its been removed in the latest one. you shouldnt be having this issue.
I did see this too. I have version beta.
can you send me the log file. pls. mail it to me at rajiv at callgraph dot in
I have gone onto configuration, advanced as indicated but there is nothing which says default value and therefore I cannot increase it.
Many thanks for your help,
This option has been removed in the newer versions. Can you pls. send me the log file. Click on the open log file link in the configuration window, general tab to get it. Pls. mail it to me at rajiv at callgraph dot in
I also got some data loss with the latest version (1.2)
got data loss errors a few time….. but sound files were normal happens in lengthy recordings like an hour or so of a conference…sound quality of the ongoing conversation changes (noises, volume decreased) whenever I switch it on…
Great application…very handy….U got a fan here mate…
Waiting for final release…
Change the encoding mode to wav instead of mp3. That should fix the encoding data loss. Play it with the Call Graph Browser once and it will automatically convert the wav file to mp3.
I just learned about encoding data loss the hard way– a podcast interview we were recording ended up 50% garbled. This is a long shot, but do you know if the original WAV file is somehow recoverable? I saw it in my call graphs directory for a couple minutes while the mp3 was being encoded, but it disappeared once the mp3 was complete. Thanks– other than this, the program has worked great.
No its not. However it should not happen with version
If I could suggest a few ideas:
1. have an option for a higher quality (full quality!) WAV to be saved.
2. have an option for the WAV to be kept after encoding, either always or just when the encoder fails.
3. give an option to encode the WAV to OGG instead of MP3.
4. the first thing I do with a recorded podcast interview is throw it in Audacity and mix 40% of the left channel to the right and vice versa, it’s a more natural sounding setting, it would be nice to have that option in addition to simple “mono” and “stereo”, so as to save time (but not instead of stereo, of course!)
5. time staps are a bit useless the way you offer them now. I like it when the filename can be sorted alphabetically, so I use names that start with the most significant number like so:” 2010-01-22_22-26-13 caller name.ogg” meaning January 22nd at 10:26PM and 13 seconds.
6. Accordingly, An option for the caller name to appear after the date would be nice. Alternatively, how about every caller’s recording going to a subdirectory named after them automatically?
Thanks for a great product! I just started using it this week, intending to test it against a few others, but I think there’s a good chance I’ll stick to it and buy it.
Some quick responses.
1. 16KHz, 8 bits per sample is native to Skype and encoding it in higher rate would not improve quality.
2. In the works.
3. In the works.
4. In the works.
5. Can be added.
6. Can be added.
1. Oh! interesting, I didn’t know. It always sounded better than 16Khz to me, maybe I just didn’t compare it with the right media.
2. Excellent!
3. Awesome!
4. the podcasting community will be very thankful indeed!
5. I should have said “useless to ME”, it was a little impolite the way I put it
6. As for the question of which directory to put conferences in, I’d imagine you could dump it in one big “conferences” directory.
I’ve played around some more and here are a few ideas I wanted to ask you about. I’ll continue the numbering so we don’t get confused:
7. How about an “answering machine” mode? I want to offer my podcast listeners a place to leave their comments so I can use it later in the show.
8. Does the Skype API allow you to get separate streams of each person in a conference, or is it always just “local” and “remote”?
9. I see that I can access my archive of my recordings from a browser page pointing at your site, it seems like a javascript is communicating with the callgraph client, but how can that be? how does it break out of the browser’s sandbox? It’s a little worrying…
6. We can provide a configuration option for that.
7. Its on the roadmap.
8. Just local and remote. We are working on a solution to encode each speaker of a conference in a separate channel. Thats on our roadmap too.
9. Yes. It uses Cross Site Scripting to talk to the client on the local machine. http://callgraph.biz/blog/2008/09/the-hybrid-desktopweb-application/
Thanks again! I love the speed and honesty of your answers, for me it’s an important part of a business, perhaps more than a specific feature or two (especially when they are on the roadmap before I even asked for them
Most welcome.