Benefits of Working From Home
Today, the workforce is ever-evolving. More and more people are looking to work from home, whether half the time or all the time. You may even know some people who work as full-time freelancers. There are advantages to being a freelancer or working from home.
For starters, if you’re a freelancer, you are your own boss. While you may work for various companies, ultimately, you work for you. There’s no one peaking their head in at your office door to see if that latest report is almost done, there are no constant emails or phone calls coming make sure you’re doing your work – the things that bug you about being in the office are removed.
Another advantage of working from home is you get to set your own schedule. Working from 9 to 5 each and every day is a thing of the past. If you are up at 2 am in the morning because of a child or insomnia, you can work on a project and get it out of the way. If you have to pick up the kids after school and need to work on something before or after that time, you have the freedom to do so. Most work from home jobs have a certain time frame in which they need to be done, but the time of day in which it’s done is completely up to you. Not only do you get to work when you want, but you also get to work where you want. It’s a nice day outside? With an internet connection, you can take your work anywhere you want.
A third advantage to being a freelancer is that you can work on multiple projects at the same time. The amount of clients you have is completely up to you and that also means more clients, more sources of income.
If those reasons weren’t good enough for you, as a freelancer, it’s possible to get paid more than those who work for a salary. When you work as a freelancer, you tend to get paid by the job. If you’re really good at what you do, you can get done in a relatively short period of time and your hourly rate can be higher than if you were working as a full time, salaried employee.
Last, but certainly not least, working as a freelance pushes you to work harder. Think about it: you work on a project and you do a great job. The company or person you did the job for liked what you did and hire you again for another project. You in turn want to keep doing a great job so you can get more work. How well you do your job results in more work for you and more work produces more income.
Where to start?
With all of these advantages, you may be wondering how do you get started as a freelancer? Well, there are many companies out there that hire freelancers for a variety of positions. The key is finding the job that works for you. As a crowdsourced transcription company, Scribie could be a great fit.
With Scribie, you have a variety of positions within our transcribing department. Starting off as a transcriber, you can make $10 an audio hour for both transcription and review, with a $5 bonus when you have worked more than 3 hours. For high difficulty files, the rate of pay increases. If the self-review options are enabled, you can earn the same amount for less effort and time.
Top performers can also become proofreaders and do quality control, earning from $5 to $20 per audio hour and since there’s no typing, it takes less time. There are some freelancers with Scribie that work more than 50 audio hours per month, which includes all forms mentioned, and they have made more than $100 in bonuses on top of their rate pay.
Working as a freelancer with Scribie includes all of the benefits mentioned earlier, plus bonuses and ways to earn more in less time. The online platform only requires you to have a computer and an internet connection. There are a variety of ways to earn money as a freelancer and Scribie is just one of those ways. You can sign up here!
please tell me more how to get started
I am an experienced transcriber and I would like to join your company to start my home based career.
Could you please email me with further details.
Thank you
I would like to transcribe through the opportunities created in you website. Please let me know more so i can get started soonest.
I am a 70 year old retired cardiologist with exceptional writing and typing skills fluent in both English and Spanish with in depth knowledge of the healthcare space, all aspects of it.
I was referred to your website and would like to become a transcriber.
Could you please email me with further details on how to get started.
Thank you
Please apply at https://scribie.com/ft#apply
I m medical practitioner I want to work as medical transcripter
My name is Barbara. I am a medical support assistant and would like to learn to do medical transcription